By Dave Diamond
To answer a few of kei`s remarks over the last few issues....
I was unable to answer my email as the college computers are now offline
for a few months.
Whenever I refer to Freak or Iceman,the ones where Freak appear were
written before he left and Iceman was included as you said he would be
the next editor.
[Iceman? Can't remember saying that but maybe I wanted him to come in
as a technical editor. However he's so addicted to IRC that we hardly
hear from him these days. I think he wants to take over the diskback
service from me so maybe he will come onto the Words staff full time but
I'm not yet sure at the time of writing this. There are a few places
open on the Word staff we'd like filling if anyone is interested? These
are: SCENE CORRESPONDANT (one for the Amiga and another for the PC
As for me saying that I love writing articles and then none are
submitted for future issues,The Word used to appear whenever it felt
like it. If you supply me with a deadline then I`ll follow it. I get
the latest issue of your magazine some weeks after it`s released so the
only way to get my articles in time is to contact me by mail say a week
before the deadline,and I`ll send them off to you promptly.
[The deadlines are usually a week before the end of a month. The Word
is then released at the end of the month. The current deadline for
articles for this issue was 22/08/97 with a release date of 30/08/97.
You can check the loading ascii to see whether I made it or not. Next
issues deadline will be around the 22/09/97 for contributions. Kei]
Melissa Joan Hart was 14/15 when she was in the Nickelodeon kids show
"Clarissa Explains It All" she is now 21 and VERY beautifull I may add.
Not that she wasn`t beautifull when she was 14. Dont worry Kei and
other Word fans - Dave Diamond isn`t into the "younger girls" - you
would know about this if Kei printed the "Child Sex" article I wrote
some months ago. I haven`t seen it yet (although I missed issue 14).
[I know MJH is cute. And yes I deleted that article. Kei]
Do I get the feeling that I`m not wanted in The Word? It seems that
nearly every article I have submitted has some sort of "sarchastic"
remark at the end. Whether this is just for fun I dont know,but there`s
no point in me continuing writing if no-one respects my views now is it?
I enjoy reading articles for the simple reason that they are being read
my apreciative minds and when those minds aren`t there anymore then
perhaps it`s time to move on??
[I do tend to over-comment and I'm on a comment diet at present although
this article shows me on a binge. There have been mixed views on your
articles feedback wise so it's up to you what you want to do and where
you wish to go. Not me. Kei]
Some of my adult articles being banned? Why? If there are any that
have been banned (I haven`t seen the May story yet) then why? They`re
in the adult section and you should be mature enough if you want to read
them. What`s the point in having an adult section if all the more shall
we say `hardcore` articles are left out?
[The adult section is there for adults true. But there is a different
between legal adult material for consenting adults and all out illegal
pornography. The stuff of yours I do not print is the paedophillic and
animal stuff among others. I do not want to be prosecuted so do not
send any more articles in that will get me or any other member of The
Word staff into trouble. There are other mags that print that stuff
which will gladly take those articles. Kei]
People wont read an article if the review is crap - of course they will
- to see why the writer thinks it`s crap and the reasons etc. It`s also
an opportunity for the person who LIKES that particular programme to
write in with THEIR views.
Finally the remark about nearly all of my "stories" sounding the
same...if you dont like them then dont bother reading them - just print
them. I like them and I know many other people think they`re funny,we
haven`t got all the same tastes you know - I hate the hardware section
but you dont see me complaining do you?
[You just did! I've had mixed reviews about your articles in the recent
past and there have been some replies by people in the last few issues
so read them to find out what YOUR readers think about your articles.
You can write what you want but as the editor I decide if they are too
offensive to print or not. Do you know I've written a script macro for
cygnus editor to edit your articles? Here's what it does:
After the first line of each paragraph it deletes the first space on
every line so the paragraphs can be properly Word formatted.
Replaces "," with ", "
Replaces " i " with " I "
Removes any text between "DAVE" and "DIAMOND" in headers as they just
get long and silly and no one else does them.
I am not being picky Dave, as I'm not botherd about having to use a
macro to edit your articles. However I know that instead of doing 200
slim, fast articles like you sent me recently, there are probably a few
good articles in you that will suprise and blow the socks off the Word
readers out there. Show them what you can really type when you set your
mind to it!
There ya go!